Room Booking Software and Cost Reduction
Room Booking software not only provides automation for various types of room, desk and space booking, but can also be aimed squarely at cost reduction. Two of the clear ways are via hot-desking and tackling no-shows. A trusted hot-desking technique is to reduce the number of desks available to non-office-based staff 10% at a time, and carefully review desk utilisation, which should rise as the desk count goes down. An automatic reminder system to make sure staff know they are being scrutinised, followed by publication of a no-show list will reduce no-shows, and boost availability, once again leading to increased utilisation.
There have been instances of management introducing a cross-charge penalty system for no-shows, as well as the “naming and shaming” aassociated with the publication of no-show lists. No-shows not only cost money (as they will increase space required), they also inconvenience staff, who might have to postpone a meeting, only to see empty meeting rooms during their preferred times.
For more details on these sort of techniques, see